Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Good Spelling is the New Black.

Writing a good profile is a fine line between letting your personality stand out, and not letting it make you look stupid. It allows you to seem high fashion, even if you still wear pleated pants...or spandex tights. Good Spelling is the new black, and I'm here to talk about it.

As I write this post, I fear for every word and sentence I put to screen. If I'm going to write about spelling, I better have good spelling myself, right? I don't just mean, spellcheck and assume I'm good, I mean - use the correct spelling in the correct place. Well, a blogger can't cross her fingers, but I will type this in a hand-woven potato sack made out of hemp rope if it'll help!

When I read a profile, one of the biggest turnoffs is not so much bad writing as bad spelling. In an era of technology, where spellcheck is readily available, this is akin to the sound of nails on a chalkboard, or the sound I make when zombies chase me for my brains! It's not good. Technology has made many hot men appear stupid, lazy, or both. You might spell 'to' correctly, but all too often, you should have typed 'too'. Spell check doesn't fix this. It's smart, but not always that smart. Be smarter than your spellcheck.

And if you're writing your profile from your smart phone using Swype or other Word Prediction Technologies, proof it...ten times over. Because those Droids and iPhones have a sick sense of auto-correct, and a bad one can say a whole lot about your common day-to-day conversations. "Just ass me,"is not something I want to do with someone I just met.

I am, on occasion, known to overlook a profile written with cheese out of a squirt can, as long as the grammar and spelling is correct. However, you can be the most amazing person, but if you continually confuse 'then' with 'than', and 'there' with 'their', I will Karate chop block you as fast as Kung fu lightning! And yes, I realize Kung fu is not the same as Karate; but just go with me on this.

Your profile is your resume for dating. It showcases you in your best light. You're competing with a lot of great guys, and your profile is your way of not looking great like the rest of them, but Super, like a DC comic hero! Personally, I love a man who can spell, and who enters a room belting, 'Shazam!'
Just as you have someone look over your resume for typos, you should have someone do the same for your profile. I know, for some of you, the whole online dating thing is still a secret closet you are afraid to come out of. But if you eventually want to meet Ms. Right and leave the closet for good, then having your friend or a family member go over your profile is a must!

Here are some of the most common mistakes:

  • to, too, two
  • there, their, they're
  • your, you're
  • it's, its
  • a, an
  • or, our, hour
  • then, than
  • who, that, which (and witch - true story, peeps!)
  • loose, lose
  • well, good

...and the list goes on. But if you take care of these, most of us Wonder and Cat Women will overlook the rest.

If you see the list above, scratch your man balls and think, "I don't get it," here's redemption and humor all rolled into one. One of the best tongue in cheek sites online, The Oatmeal, offers a blog on their site with entire posts dedicated to grammar that make even Louis CK laugh out loud, as he uses it to proof his online dating profile! Wait just a minute...Who am I kidding? He's hilarious and rich (!!), and has people who do all that shit for him. But if he were funny and broke, he would use The Oatmeal's Blog Posts on Grammar.
Louis CK

Use it, abuse it, and make your profile look like whatever DC Superhero you want. Because with Good Spelling, your profile is dressed in the New Black, and you can get away with spandex tights!

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